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E-Book: Succeeding With Animated Video

We have recently made available an ebook that I’ve written called Succeeding With Animated Video. Yes, you guessed it: we’re using it as bait to get you to give up your email address to us. (Although it’s probably not going to be too hard for you to figure out how to get the ebook without receiving our monthly newsletter… although I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to receive our monthly newsletter!)

This ebook is not like a lot of the material some of our competitors are creating – it is not a place where we’re going to tell you everything we know about video-making. Rather, we want to help you navigate the process of managing an animated video project, so you have the best chance of getting excellent business results with it.

Writing this ebook was a useful process for me because it was an act of imagining what our customer’s business challenges are, after having gotten a sense of them from hundreds of client calls. It was also interesting to take a narrative view of our clients’ journey, from first strategic musings to evaluation and measurement.

Here is the table of contents, to give you a better idea of the contents.

Table of contents of ebook

The ebook was designed by the talented Jileen Hohle. Thanks to SaraJane Askildsen and Jennifer Griffith for their edits and suggestions. This ebook can be yours… just enter your information below.

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